Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pirates Totally Suck (sorry Johnny Depp)

So, I'm in a really creative and productive place in my writing right now.  Musina has been around constantly, bugging me in the shower, whispering furtively to me while driving, even breaking our unwritten rule and pestering me in my sleep.  But, I'm okay with it.  I actually had a revelation while chatting on the phone with Mum this evening.....I might be writing so prolifically because I am in a real good place emotionally.

We will be moving to a house I am soo in love with, I finally have the most wonderful job, and Husband and I feel as though four months into the new year, we are finally shedding the oppressive cloak of 2011 and getting ahead where we would like to be.  And even as all these great things are unfolding, a toxin sneaks into my life....a terrorist.....a thief.  My books are being pirated.

I realize that this, to some, in the grand scheme of things is not a terribly critical thing.  But I am bothered and disappointed and hurt by it nonetheless.  I've written about it on my facebook page and felt that even though you know what I'm going to say, it needs to be said anyway.  DOWNLOADING BOOKS FOR FREE IS PIRACY.

Don't misunderstand, I am not banking a mint on my book sales, and I don't see retiring and buying all the family members the obligatory house in my near future, but regardless, I am very proud of my books.  My most expensive ebook right now is priced at $3.99.  At almost 300 pages, that's about a penny a page.  My other ebooks price at less than that.  I feel VERY STRONGLY that my talent is worth you paying at least a penny a page.

It's also a matter if integrity.  If you would steal a book, you would steal a wallet, a cellphone, a credit card, given the opportunity.  You might steal a purse, a car, a life.  You might and you might not.  But, the moment you steal, a small piece of your integrity is eroded.  Enough times and shortly you won't have any.  And if you have no integrity, you have nothing.

And this must be said:  People who create for only your enjoyment are to be REVERED.  They can do something you can't.  These writers, these musicians, these ARTISTS, deserve your awe, your praise, and your respect.  We never, ever deserve your contempt.  We write and play and BE for your pleasure.  Reward us for the work we do as you would expect from us.

After all, artists create all the beauty in the world.  The song that transforms you, the sculpture that makes you suck in your breath from its power, and the written word, presented to you so eloquently and perfectly that sometimes you gasp and sometimes you weep with joy.  Reward us.  For without us, truly, your world would be bleak, without color and life.  And we will thank you, over and over again, by creating yet another piece that makes you clap your hands with joy.  I promise.  We're artists.  It's what we do.


  1. Anyone who pirates a book should be treated like the pirates of old. Hung from the gallows.

  2. vary well said! I think people who pirate things should be punished. It's not right to take someones work. Buy it don't be lazy and there is no excuse to say you can't afford it because we have libraries it's what they are for use them!

    1. Yes, thank you Starry...i should have said that too. Libraries are havens!

  3. I like your take on this, a plea instead of vitriol. I do hope you are able to get them to stop. If not, well, The above ladies have the right of it. C.K. Garner

  4. Well done, Samantha - stealing is stealing. What the pirated don't realize is that karma will find them and justice will be served.

    1. And if not, I will write them into a story and kill them off in a graphically vicious manner. That's right, see what happens when you tick off a writer!

  5. One of the many downsides of the digital age is the ease with which pirates can steal our intellectual / creative property. It makes me sick.
    I wish there were more barriers or other protections for the author/artist.
    Right now it seems to be: see it, want it, steal it.
