Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Review for Spellbound is in - 4 STARS

Hey everyone, pleased to post a new review from Mera's YA Book List, an excellent blogger on the web, I'll post her site at the end of the review.  Check out what she had to say about SPELLBOUND:

Chamera's Reviews > Spellbound

Spellbound by Samantha Combs
My rating:
didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing

shelf: read
's review
Aug 11, 11

4 of 5 stars
Read from July 19 to August 11, 2011

Logan Daniels has had an acceptably ordinary life. In fact, if you were to ask him, he'd say his family and his town were in all regards normal. This all changes when Serena Starr and her two siblings move into the quiet town of Lancaster. Upon sight of Serena, Logan is instantly smitten, and with perfect reason. Serena, with long honey colored hair and shimmering green eyes, as she is described by Logan, is absolutely stunning. Besides her looks, Serena is perfectly sweet and pure of heart.

But there are many things that the dark haired cutie, Logan, doesn't know about Serena. In fact, there are several things he doesn't know about his town, his family, and most importantly himself.
Samantha Combs' telling of this beautiful tale is spectacular. One thing I admire most in an author is the ability to make the events, and especially, the characters, of a novel realistic, and Miss Combs does not fail in that regard. The characters remind me of people I know from high school, and I can see qualities of average teenagers reflected in each person she has spun into creation.

Serena and Logan are perfect for each other, and other relationships in the story will make you smile. The story tests most of these relationships, and the characters struggle to work through the problems that occur. But don't let the love in this story fool you. This is far more than an average teen love story. Things take an ominous and dangerous turn, not just for Logan and Serena, but for their families, their friends, and everyone in the town of Lancaster.

Because the things Logan doesn't know about Serena and her mysterious sisters, and the thing he learns about his entire family is that they are spectacularly... witch-y. As dark forces cast their eyes on the couple and everyone they hold dear, it becomes obvious that it is up to Logan to help save the day. I love a story with both a hero and a heroine and Spellbound is definitely that. Also, with interchanging view points throughout the book, the thoughts of everyone is made known, which only makes this book even more perfect.

I love the language used, the diverse characters, the love connections, the conflicts, and the familial like ties the characters strengthen with one another. The dialogue was perfect and the chapters melded together splendidly. Samantha Combs' Spellbound had me biting my lip, tapping my leg, and anticipating the next act in the chain of events that occur. At times I smiled like a dork and screamed like a lunatic (and trust me, when you scream out loud in a room that's not particularly empty, you get lots of strange looks). This book is at times both fun and somber, and you feel what the characters feel. One thing this book is not is predictable, and I love that. This is one YA novel that will keep you on your feet and the ending will have you wishing for more Samantha Combs. It has an completely stunning cover that captures the eye, and was what first drew me to the book. Both the author and her mystically delicious characters are absolutely... bewitching. Samantha Combs is a force to be reckoned with in the writing world. The last time I delved into a story so easily and completely was when reading P.C. + Kristin Cast's House of Night series and trust me, this is a very magnificent accomplishment. I highly recommend it... and not just because Logan Daniels is entirely drool worthy

Don't miss it, it's awesome!

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